We all know Manchester is a magical place in the springtime. Dan Flynn has had a fascinating encounter with a foul-mouthed genie in a pop bottle.
You can read all about it here
And Crinklybee has embarked on an exhaustive survey of our city's public telephone boxes to bring you The Crinklybee Award for Manchester's Most Splendid Public Telephone Box. It's a sort of swan song for him, as he just got his first mobile phone a couple of weeks ago. Jonathan, welcome to the wonderful world of being always - irritatingly - reachable. You'll never be on time again.
I had you pointed out to me by Clare Sudbery at the Sat Manc blog thing the other week but we never spoke. I've also previous tried to post a comment to say thanks for the link but not been able to. If this comment works, THEN THANKS FOR THE LINK!
Dan - No problem. By the way, you have no email on your blog and I need to ask you about something ... email me at themanchizzle at gmail dot com if you please ...
Thanks for the link to me also. Kate. Hey by the way in between snapping phone boxes I've been looking in newsagents for that new listings magazine you have been telling us about... is the new one out today and will I be able to get one in the city centre?? They didn't have any in the shops by Oxford Road rail station this morning...
(groan ...) no, there seems to be some problem with distribution ... I am going round to their offices in sunny salford today and I will try to find out where we can get it. The cornerhouse seems to get it early, but I've been to threee newsagents this a.m. and no dice ...
I'll email you or post another comment when I find out, J
Update: It should be in the Cornerhouse mag shop from this evening, I'm told
Nice one Kate... aye I had asked in a few places (mostly the smaller cornershop-type newsagents in the City Centre), a few had heard of it but most didn't know if/when it was due. The only place I actually saw a copy was opposite the the Art Gallery- the feller there had one of issue number one on his counter but I think it was for his personal use! Anyway I will be passing the Cornerhouse at teatime and will call in and have a look for it among all those arty journals that I sometimes leaf through abstractedly and pretend to understand while I am waiting for my train...
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