And... they’re off! The blog awards nomination period has now opened. So send in those nominations for the best of Manchester’s blogs in the following four categories:
Best Arts and Culture Blog ( incl. music, photo, art, film, lit, fiction blogs, etc.)
Best Political Blog
Best Personal Blog
Blog of the Year (Open to any kind of blog)
One set of nominations per person, please. And yes, you can nominate your own blog, or someone else’s. Only blogs written by someone who lives or works within reasonable commuting distance of Manchester are eligible.
UPDATED: nominations do not count as votes, so the whole notion of campaigning (ie pestering all your friends all over the world to nominate your blog, or creating fake gmail accounts to in order to flood the inbox with ersatz nominations) is kinda silly. If you want to be considered for a particular category, just nominate yourself fer chrissakes.
Another update: The Manchizzle isn't eligible for any awards, because I'm one of the judges. That would be so wrong.
Please email your nominations to:
The nominating period closes on October 1.
A shortlist of finalists in each category will be chosen from the nominations, and announced in early October. A judging panel (see below) will select the winners from that shortlist. Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony during the Manchester Literature Festival, at Urbis, on October 16 at 7pm. There will also be live literature, music and blog readings on the night.
2006 Manchester Blogging Awards
Judging panel:
Dave Carter, Head of the Manchester Digital Development Agency.
Fee Plumley, Manchester Literature Festival, Festival Manager and ‘Freeplay’ Artistic Director
Richard Fair, BBC Manchester
Kate Feld, blogger and freelance journalist
Any questions, email me on themanchizzle at gmail.com. Good luck!
Good to see things are moving along apace. I think you've done great to get this whole thing organised... I guess getting together a panel of respectable judges is not a particularly easy task!
I think I'll spend a week or two having a good read through the Manchester blogs I follow!
Can it be open to people who can produce a birth certificate that says Manchester on it? ;-)
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