The new edition of the Salford Star, our homegrown bastion of butt-kicking investigative reporting, is out now. It looks to be packed with all manner of Christmas goodies, but the story I'm really itching to read is the long promised MediaPity:UK, a 7-page "study in hypocrisy"concerning the BBC's beleaguered plan to move a chunk of their workforce to the proposed MediaCity: UK complex at Salford Quays.
There's been a lot of speculation lately about whether that move will ever happen. As the BBC looks likely to get less dosh than it's asking the government for, many have predicted that the Beeb will use the funding issue as an excuse to wriggle out of a move that seems to be wildly unpopular amongst the southern majority of its workforce. They're still hemming and hawing.
But the government is making no secret of its support of the plan.
The story is not up on their website, but I can only hope they'll put it up soon, since I could have a hard time getting hold of a copy here in Vermont, where I have arrived for Yuletide
What a breath of fresh air to read local journalism like this. Well-informed, committed to Salford as a place, amusing, and not afraid to pick a fight with anyone!
I agree they should publish the stories online: after all, it's a free paper.
We've now put the mediapity:uk feature on our blog spot - here's the link - enjoy !
Also includes an exclusive letter by Sir Ben Kingsley.
http://salfordstar.blogspot.com/ (keep scrolling down!)
Stephen Kingston
Salford Star
Salford Star Winter Issue Out Now !
* mediapity:uk - BBC my arse !
* The night The Lowry got liberated
* New Broughton ? New Problems ?
...and everything that's moving in the tinny city...
Salford Star Spring Issue Out March 1st !
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