So Yer Mam! (whose blog just got linked by Wikipedia, in a quite surprising and humorous way) and Jon le Beef have floated the idea that instead of blogmeeting in a pub this July, we hold a Bloggers' BBQ in some verdant Manchester park.
This sounds like a marvelous idea to me. Maybe it could be BYOM (bring your own meat) or even BYOVGFoC (bring your own vegtarian grilling foodstuff of choice)? Or we could just chip in for a hundredpack of e-number dogs, a family size bag of twiglets, and a shitload of White Lightning. We're now welcoming suggestions for scenic park BBQ locations in Manc, and preferable Saturdays in July.
Nice idea. People don't go to Heaton Park often enough, I'd suggest. Or Chorlton Water Park if not?
mmm love BBQ's. i best start blogging. Chorlton Water Park is lovely - and there's a sweet bit of park called Angel Meadows just outside the city centre off Ducie Street. Small but pretty, a recently rejuvenated wildflower meadow that was on last year's springwatch. good to see you've recovered from the virus.
Bloggers AND friends of bloggers are welcome, dear revolvewire.
I'd be up for either of the places Mancubist suggest's, think Chorlton water Park would be the one though as I cant imagine them being to impressed with you strating up a barbi's in Heaton Park as it just seems to beautiful for barbi's, I'd be frightened I set fire to something of natural beauty by accident
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