The nomination period is now open for the 2007 Manchester Blog Awards
Cash prizes will be awarded in five categories: political blog, personal blog, arts and culture blog, best new blog (open to blogs begun since September 1 of 2006) and a new category recognising the best creative writing on a blog.
To nominate blogs, send URLs for one entry in each category to mancblogawards at googlemail.com by Sept. 7. Please also specify where the blogger is based, if you know. I'll draw up a shortlist after the close of the nominating period, and the winners will be selected by a judging panel TBC.
(In order to qualify, writers of the blogs must live within reasonable commuting distance of Manchester. And yes, you can nominate your own blog. Respond in comments with the seventeen questions I haven't anticipated, and I'll do my best.)
Also, save the date, for the winners will be announced here:
Step away from the computer, it’s the MANCHESTER BLOG AWARDS 2007
Moho Live, Oldham Street
7pm Wednesday October 10, free
We’ve organised a star-studded gala affair in the brand new Moho Live venue on Oldham Street (it's the building that used to be a health club, between Sascha's Hotel and Affleck's Palace. Not open yet.) The evening will be a riotous celebration of new and engaging online writing, with readings from Manchester bloggers and music from the city’s mp3 bloggers.
We’re delighted to be able to host a reading from Caroline Smailes, whose debut novel, In Search of Adam, was recently published by Friday Fiction, the new fiction imprint from The Friday Project, the innovative publishing company that specialises in putting blogs in print. Caroline’s blog was hugely instrumental in getting her book published, and we’ll talk to her about that too.
Manchester writer and blogger Elizabeth Baines will be reading the final installment of her Blog Story, What would you do? a tale set in Manchester that she’ll be writing in six sequential posts on a blog – with readers voting on what turn the plot should take. To find out more about this project, visit manchesterblogstories.blogspot.com
Also, the Decemberists suck.
The Decemberists are pants. As are their fans.
I managed to miss the blog awards last year though I've been blogging in Manchester for nearly 4 years.
My question is this...
In which category does my blog fall:
how does one send a single blog entry as a nomination for best new blog?
Jim, the acorn service blog seems to be business-oriented, as it deals with marketing. We don't really have a category for business blogs, I'm afraid. If it's new (started since last September), you could enter it as a new blog, but that's about it.
Muldoon, when you enter a blog by sending us the url its merits will be judged on all of its posts, not just one.
you would only be a runner up to my blog anyway
I'm about to start a new blog to signify my move to Manchester - would that count as a new blog, even though I've been blogging in various guises for four years?
Girlonatrain, back me up here!
Where are the categories?
Just wondering if, for 2008, it might be worth adding a business category in there?
I/we are making great in-roads into encouraging more North-West businesses to blog and it would be good to recorgnise this in the awards.
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