A few new blogs for you this week: The first is Eurekak!, a themed blog that collects moments of dodgy inspiration (that's one there, that picture). It might go like this: One night, in the throes of drunkenness, you have an idea and are immediately convinced it's genius. You frantically write a few key words on your arm with a ball-point pen, chuckling at your own ineffable brilliance, before passing out. In the cold light of day, however, your idea doesn't seem so brilliant. All you can do, really, is take a photograph of your arm and send it, along with the whole sordid tale, to the shadowy Dr. Whom, who will post it on his wall of shame and you can thenceforth pretend the whole thing never happened.
HackFlack is a blog about PR and media matters, written by Chris Marritt, a former hack (journo) who is now a flack (PR professional). I've always liked the word flack, and use it whenever I can, but people over here don't seem familiar with it. Flack! It's kind of fun to say.
Thirdly, Eye on Manchester is now Aidan.co.uk, which is similar in focus but with more of a portfolio setup. Several people emailed to tell me they saw the recent Guardian Tech section article about regional blogging which mentioned this blog and Aidan's. In case anyone missed it, you can read it here.
Along with Peter Portland and Matthew Hyde, Aidan produced the wonderful "Around the M60: Manchester's Orbital Motorway" which is a fantastic history and photography book of our very own M25. Highly recommend that you get a copy ...
Appreciating being kept up with new blogs - but what's happening to your own blog? We've not heard from you, yourself, in ages. What fun are you having without us, eh?
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