Oh my god. I have been feverishly ill now for two weeks, and being ill is apparently much worse than normal when you're super pregnant. For one thing, your immune system is not so effective. I have drunk gallons of vitamin C drink, inhaled more steam than a sauna attendant and ingested such radioactive levels of antibiotics that I can curdle pots of bio-live yoghurt with a single glance. And for all that I feel a little better, but not much. In fact, I have to go lie down for a bit.
That's better, not so dizzy now. Okay. (Cough.) Sigh. So I guess I have some new blogs to tell you about.
Last year Susie started a pregnancy blog called Oscar or Isabelle. And then she had her baby and it turned out to be neither an Oscar nor an Isabelle, but a Milo. So she's unveiled a new wordpressy blog in which she will record her adventures with the new man in her life: Travels with my Baby.
Lovely Gill Moore, Manchester photographer and graduate of one of our blogging workshops, has started an excellent blog that features photos she admires as well as her own work, news and thoughts about photography, exhibitions and other random things. Scatterdrum: Ramblings from inside a photographer's head.
Andy Sewina has started posting a work-in-progress-novel blog, called "Space Invaders!"
Tom writes Book of the Future, which deals in technology, society and geekery. "Been going since November 2006 and though I haven't managed to keep up my intended blogging schedule over that time I'm still approaching my 90th post," he says.
Ian Hough is the author of a book called Perry Boys about Manc football and culture in the 70s and 80s. He also writes a blog called The Nameless Thing, at which you can read about his theory of The Four Quadrants of Manchester.*
"The 4 quadrants are sectors, regions in Greater Manchester County, which possess definite identity and character, fault-lines in the ancient crust of our city. Just as Paris’ arrondissements are arrayed as a gigantic snailshell, in a tight clockwise spiral around the central core, so are Manchester’s degrees of suchness concentrically packed, like jam roly-poly about its lively heart..."
(*Unless you're from Partington, in which case you should not read it. It'll just make you angry.)
Finally, Manchester socialite Miss Coco LaVerne has arrived to pretty up our general area of the blogosphere. In her own words, Coco is "an enigma, a spectacular incarnation of beauty and grace." Welcome Coco. Now I'm going back to bed.
Hi, I hope you get well soon, thanks for the link to 'Space Invaders!' I'll go and update it pronto!
Hi Kate,
Hopefully you'll feel chipper soon, keep warm and pamper yourself back to fitness! Thanks so much for the link, I'm finding my feet but really enjoying the blogging so far :-)
Take care Kate
Kate, I hope you're feeling better soon and all is otherwise well and happy.
Thanks guys... I am already feeling better!
Get well soon - you have my every sympathy (being ill while pregnant sucks!). And big thanks for the link xx
coco's blog is quite interesting. good luck with the pregnancy. globus has 2 kids, so you have his sympathies.
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