Just noticed this good article on music blogs in Sunday's Observer, by Killian Fox. The article is fairly explicit about the increasingly important role the blogs play in spreading the word about new artists. If anyone's thinking of setting up one, don't worry about artists or labels coming after you (as long as you aren't silly enough to post whole albums in perpetuity) - they're almost always more than happy for the publicity. In fact, they're sending stuff out to bloggers constantly, as I'm sure the Manc music blog brigade can attest to.
Even this non-mp3 blog has been getting a lot more requests to post tracks and press releases from music labels and prs lately, most of them Manchester-based. I won't say trying to get me to listen to/post about music is a total waste of time, but chances are pretty slim that I'll end up writing anything. The tiny bit of music-related blogging I do on here is basically me mentioning gigs of bands I like that are coming up in Manchester. These bands are more and more likely to have released their best work sometime in the last century. I'm open to new music but I just don't care enough anymore to spend too much time trying to keep up with musical fashions.
I accept that as a media outlet you're going to get a certain amount of pr spam from club promoters and music bods, and that's fine. But sending me three emails a day about your sizzling band is probably just going to annoy me.
My muscial taste is last century. In fact not even the last 15 years of it really.
And I'm open to new music too. I like one of James Blunt's, I like some Hoosiers, I like some Kaiser Chiefs and I like the latest Bobn Dylan.
Is there anything else? Oh, yes unlike in my student days I really ahve almost no time to listen to new music.
Here’s a new one you might not have heard of. Global Icon, the online grassroots music competition is coming to Manchester!
For the first ever live boot camp, piss up, and all round good time, the six winning bands will be playing at legendary live music venue the Road House and new comer to the Manchester scene, Ruby Lounge, in June. The live gigs will be filmed and shown on Sky channel 195, and the first 50 fans will be allowed in free (five quid after). Check out www.globalicon.tv for band progress.
8 Newton St, Manchester M1 2AN
26-28 High St Manchester M4 1QB
Hopefully see you there!
We're a Manchester-based music blog that has been going for almost a year now. Feel free to drop by anytime.
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