Thursday, February 26, 2009

Birdbrain, me?

I just wrote a long indignant post about signing up for Twitter even though I'm already at maximum social network overload. And then I looked back and realised I'd written the same long indignant post with practically the same goddamned title when I signed up for MySpace and then Facebook. Nice to know I cover so much new ground with this blog.

Ya basta! Yeah, I know what I said. I'm giving it a shot. We'll see. But if I ever use the word "twestion" in this blog, or indeed anywhere at all, you have my permission to beat me about the head with a beta-tested android phone.

Anyway, I'm @katefeld if anyone wants to read my broadcast inanities. Though apparently I'm repetitive.

(Twitter bird cupcakes by Tempyra.)


The Master of Complications said...

I think you already mentioned this.

Kate Feld said...

oh, ha ha.

Master of Complications, I'm glad you wrote in. I'm interested in your book - how can I find out more about it?