Anthony and Diarmud run a blog called Paint my Album. It's all about replicating classic album covers using the challengingly blunt instrument of Microsoft Paint. So far they've have had 802 sent in from all over the world and are trying to get 2,000 by December. Okay, that all seems fairly straightforward, but they've ratcheted things up another level with video podcasts in which they introduce the new submissions, and, well, get a bit silly. I strongly recommend you go check it out.
The Art of Noise album cover above, #452, is by Mike Daye from Bristol. Very impressive.
Oooh, and look at all the other pretty new blogs:
Manchester Climate Fortnightly does a blog which is updated more than fortnightly.
Words and Fixtures is a blog by the lovely Clare, a veritable goddess of subediting, which is "mostly about words, but also about other things that pique my interest or irk my irkness." And it is a most formidable irkness. You can totally vent to her about any misplaced apostrophe's you encounter because she feels your pain.
Rev Porl says this is "a blog of musings, things that happen, things that I see and hear, and stuff. Nothing in particular. Just some bits."
Tomato Sauce is a new writerly blog.
I'm told Filling the Space is the blog of a Chorlton-based auntie.
Th'Arctic is a live art project from Rebecca McKnight. "During April 2009, Rebecca will attempt to become one of the first British people to ski up to 300 miles pulling a pulk (sledge) from Resolute Bay to Grise Fiord, the most northerly Inuit community in the Canadian Arctic. Throughout the journey she'll be posting about her experiences on this blog. Th'Arctic blog 'stations' and photographic updates from Rebecca's journey will be on show at Cornerhouse as part of Cornerhouse Projects, BBC Radio Lancashire and on the BBC Big Screen in Manchester's Exchange Square."
Katy Murr is a freelance journalist and also a feminist.
Also, have you met David?
I secretly love paint, although I'd never admit it for fear photoshop kills me in my sleep. That's some mad paint skillz right there though. Quite impressive.
Hi Kate, just letting you know I've linked to you from my recent post. Saw you had mentioned Rebecca McKnight's Th'Arctic project .. as usual you're one step ahead of me ;-) Also my blog is now living within my website (wow what a 'mare that was too) so new address for scatterdrum:
Though I am forwarding from old address for a wee while.
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