It's Manchester Blog Awards nomination time, and I'm being deluged with new blogs to add to my blogroll. Seriously. It's raining blogs, hallelujah. Like that.
So I'm going to be briefer than normal and just list a whole bunch of new additions here, because, you know, there are about fifty more lined up behind them, and the baby could wake up at any time.
Art, design and fashion
Switched on Art
Manchester City and neighbourhood
LOL! Manchester - A new MCR comedy listings blog
Literature and writing:
Wondrous Reads - a really comprehensive YA/Teen fiction blog written by a bookstore employee from Stockport.
Personal/writers' blog Stick it to the Mand, and the same writer's fiction at Words Etc
Writer Richard Barrett has a new blog, Yawn.
MA writing student Kim McGowan's blog Justtesting
Power is a State of Mind
Irontwit, chronicling an Ironman attempt
The Amazing Shrinking Gaz
What DO you do in Preston?
Travels in my house
TdM Photography
Songs from Under the Floorboards
S’il vous plait clubnight blog
Fluid Creativity
Thanks for the plug :-) Will link you up!
Booooooo! What DOES one have to do to get on the magic list? I keep hoping I'll be on it every time you update but no....
Actually, I see a few journo blogs are missing off your list. Time for an overhaul?
Wordsmith, I'm sorry I haven't linked to your blog on here before. Have you emailed me to be added? That's generally how I find out about new blogs, that and people's recommendations.
Likewise, if there are other MCR journo blogs to be added by all means let me know. There are so many blogs about these days that keeping tabs on all of the relevant ones is a full time job. Any help appreciated!
Am sure I emailed, way back when, but never mind. Carolyn Hughes (of Manchester is Ace fame) has a great journo blog @ http://manchesterisace.typepad.com/carolynhughes/2009/08/-working-from-home-the-myths.html And Here's the Kicker is a really good Manchester journalism blog too @ http://louisebolotin.com/
OK Wordsmith, thanks for all those - will have a bumper journoriffic edition of new blogs next time!
Golly and hoorah, Kate! Thank you.
There was a sudden inexplicable leap in my hit counter figures. But here it is, explicted.
I had a lovely mental image of my other reader racing around the place frenziedly logging onto different computers, but it seems it really is different people…
I’m very grateful and I’ve arr ess sessed your super blog too.
I stumbled across your blog because it was mentioned in another Mancunian blog.
I too am from Manchester - but I don't really write much about the city.
Still, if you want to have a peep at the drivel I write, feel free.
Cheers for the Mention
Thanks for mentioning my blog, nice to know that it's not just the city centre bloggerati that get on these lists.
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