Hey, I'm back with some new additions to the blogroll for your reading pleasure.
They are: A new local politics blog, Tameside Eye. New music blog Friend Rock Manchester Not one but two new fashion blogs, avantgarde and kisses and cross stitches. And journalist Louise Bolotin's media blog Here's the Kicker.
New personal blogs Mind of Mine , The Amazing Adventures of Pottywoman and Manchestreker, about cycling in Manchester.
A healthy new crop of writerly blogs to add: Yes, I will Hold , Stories that will lead you along strange ways, The Journal of a Diet Poylmath (all published recently on Rainy City Stories), Dirty Sparkle, A Life in Manchester , Metafiction and What Daisy Did Next, through whose links I found Contrariwise, a website dedicated to literary tattoos. Supercool.
Writer Benjamin Judge has turned his attentions from the award-winning Cynical Ben to his new Wordpress site, Who the fudge is Benjamin Judge.
Socrates Adams Florou, aka"Mister Chinatown," has written a novel. You can read all about it over at his new website, Everything's Fine, which lists a blog and a tube gallery among other impressive features and benefits. The picture up there is from the tube gallery, which makes more sense when you read Everything's Fine.
Thanks for the link...and for very kindly calling me a writer.
Hi Kate thanks for the shout out! Contrariwise is great isn't it! I love hearing the stories behind why people have picked out certain lines, fascinating. Loving the site and your tips on how to be a more professional blogger were very true - I will take note. Thanks for reading!
wow - that everything's fine website looks ultra trendy and seriously on trend!
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