In a town so small there's no escape from view is a blog about city centres, and often, Manchester's city centre, by Dan of PYT fame. "it is inspired by backstreets, lost architecture, broken windows and forgotten buildings." Some good photos on there.
Lazy Noggin is a new Manchester arts and culture blog. A nice post about Jesca Hoop, of whom I am also a fan, and the photography workshop that CityCo ran last weekend.
A new music blog: Come see the duck, written by Jonathan Hopkins.
Manchester filmmakers L'Institute Zoom have a very entertaining blog, Transmissive Episodes.
Ziggy Kinsella is a horror writer who maintains a blog about writing and other stuff called The Feckless Goblin. Writer Lydia Unworth blogs at getting over the moon.
Some new personal blogs: One husband, two kids (and lots of books), Joe the Dough and The Mobius Loop.
A new (mostly) political blog is Three Legged Cat, billed as the "embittered cynical mutterings of a politically marginal Manchester hack." Also, one new photo blog: Dark Adjusted Eye.
May have to invent a new category for Manchester Massages, which features "reviews, news and information on therapeutic massage, spa experiences and eco-spas in Manchester (and beyond...)" Another new sort of blog for Manchester: Makeup Savvy, which reviews beauty products.
The hyperlocal train just keeps on chugging along, and the latest Manchester nabe to get its own community happenings blog is Macclesfield: The Loop is narrowly focused on what's on there. There's also a paper edition which you can sign up to receive.
And yes, the photo above has nothing to do with any of these blogs. I usually try to use pictures from the blogs I'm writing about, but the photoblogs I have on today don't seem set up to share their photos easily. So I am using this random image of graffiti in Hulme that I have had in my computer for ages and have no idea where it came from. Both funny and appropriate given the debate about social housing on here recently...
I'm liking "bloga" as a presumably accidental pluralisation of blog.
"Bloga Of Gravitas and Distinction."
Works for me.
*Cough* http://www.mancubist.co.uk/2008/01/23/manchester-miscellany-late-january
Good lord, there were loads of typos and errors in that post that I didn't even see til now. My fault for posting in haste. Have fixed, Tim, cheers.
Chris: that's very funny. 2008, eh?
Thank you very much for the link. Much appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to link to my blog (http://daeye.wordpress.com/).
It's not technically a photo blog, there's uaually more content. Just been a bit busy (read "lazy") recently!
Anyway, I've just updated + linked back.
Just realised that I never said thank you for the link! So, erm, thank you. Glad to be mentioned alongside some other really great blogs.
I love your site especially your piece about Wild Swimming. If only we had the weather for it! I am author of Best of Hulme: A small blog run by a hulme resident to bring news and events in one place. http://www.bestofhulme.com
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