Okay, it's been a while, so I've got loads of new blogs for your delectation:
Back in December I wasn't quick enough to get to the latest incarnation of the Okasional Cafe, the itinerant venue that has been periodically squatting in vacant buildings around the city for as long as I lived in Manchester and probably much longer (The photo above was taken on Charles Street). If you don't want to miss the next one, keep an eye on the Okasional Cafe blog.
One of the most hotly anticipated openings of 2011 (at least at my house) is Common's new venture, Port Street Beer House. I've been watching thirstily as it takes shape on the beer house blog. Their about page says it all: "For those of you enthused by the world of beer we hope to provide a warm comfortable environment for you to sit back and appreciate the ever expanding world of craft brewing." We're enthused! And it's open now.
Once again, we've got plenty of new writers' blogs, including little bird stories, Tupenny Tales, Troubleau, Urban Masterplan Working Party, and blogs from writers Claire Massey (formerly of the Fairy Tale Cupboard), Hayley Flynn and my MancSpecFic comrade Craig Pay. Also, bricolage and be, the culturally-oriented blog of Dr. Beccy Kennedy.
Bloggers Ben Judge and Clare Conlon have only gone and started a new blog where you can ask them anything and they have to find, figure out or make up the answer. Go on, you know you want to.
Jennifer Grace Cook moved here from the states for one reason: to find a man. You can read all about her quest at A Girl's Guide to a Noble Manchester. Other new additions to the personal blogroll: Tales from the tower and Mad Balance Plus a stray food blog, Northern Food, that got lost on the way to my last post.
Others: Newsicmoos is music news of the electronic variety. School Boy Couture is about gadgets and design.Plastic Circles is all about the design of music packaging. Screen 150 is short and snappy movie reviews (150 words, natch) and welcomes your contribution. Happy reading.